
Hello my name is


Programmer, Developer, Scripter, and Python Lover ... with some Ruby on the side.

Currently in California

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I started with Java back in my high school days along with HTML, and CSS. When I picked up coding again I was interested in web development so naturally Ruby, and Ruby on Rails was the best choice. Now I'm really interested in Databases and just data in general. I'm currently learning Python, in more of a data analyst/scientist way. Scrapping data for the web and using matplotlib, pandas, and numpy. I like building interactive data so it's more easily digestible for others. While I have a very high interest in learning more about developing in general, my dream goal is to focus on testing. I believe to be a great Testing/QA/SQA Engineer is to have solid understand in the development process, but also understand how your users interact with your product.

Some Projects
  • Yarp-imgurClone

    This was my first test-driven development (TDD) project I'm proud of built with Rspec and Capybara. Being able to teach myself and understand why test driven development can be important and useful; I believe it has made me become a more confident programmer. I also enjoyed not using a front-end framework like Bootstrap, while it was a bit longer and harder it was enjoyable to style the app my way without having re-stylize over what Bootstrap has.
    Gems Used - Bourbon, Neat, Refills, Factory_Girl, Capybara, Database Cleaner

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  • PhotoGram

    This was another functional (TDD) project I worked on. While there are no users available; all of the basic CRUD functions are there and working. I wanted this project just to be another learning tool for a better understanding of TDD; mostly the why and how, to make my testing flow better. Though this was only my second time I started to realize I was missing simple functions and would have to re-edit my test over again. While I enjoyed learning about TDD, I believe sometimes I was focusing too much on the test and forget the practicality or ease-of-use for my users. All in all, it was an interesting and fun project, and I continue to learn more about Test Driven Development.
    Gems Used - Factory_Girl, Capybara, Shoulda-matchers

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  • Airport Scrolling-Terminal-Text

    After visiting a few different train stations and airport terminals, I wanted to recreate the style of the terminal text and just display whatever I wrote in my HTML file. jQuery was used to do all the heavy lifting; a short little project, but highly enjoyable to do. I really enjoyed building this because I was able to see just what a short amount of javascript was able to produce and where I could build upon it in the future. I would like to deploy this on the web and have other people submit whatever their heart desired... which could be a bad thing!

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  • Girl, Meet Beer


    2013.8 - 2015.1

  • Passionate Photography

    Social Media Manager

    2012.5 - 2013.12

  • Sacramento Public Library


    2009.7 - 2011.4

  • Del Paso Public Library

    Assistant / Shelver

    2008.2 - 2009.6

  • Sam Green's BBQ Catering Company


    2006.6 - 2009.7

Skill Points
Javascript & Jquery
Python & Ruby/Rails
Mini-Test (Ruby Framework)
Design Tools
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Customer Support
Technical Support